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Played this on Steam and it is genuinely one of the best games I have played in a very long time. The writing was fantastic.

I highly recommend it to anyone who is considering it. Just one warning: it's very easy so anyone looking for a challenging combat-focused RPG, this game is not that. The narrative and world makes up for that by a long shot.

I originally paid for this game back on Kickstarter years ago when it was first announced, and despite that I ended up waiting 5 months before I got around to playing it, due to my fears of "ok but I don't like RPGs, so how can this game be any good?"

Goddamn.  I remember now why I immediately threw money at this game after finishing the demo.  Absolutely incredible.  I even picked the exact right tier, Deluxe Edition, which includes the music that I've added into my playlist because I love it so much. :3 (getting an NPC of my own in would be awkward, especially given there's only one fox in the story and... well.)

Also, the phrase "uwu softboi" hit me like a sack of bricks, but like, wrapped in a lemon (in that good "pan-galactic gargleblaster" way???)  The idea of a Redwall-esque medieval style rodent society going onside alongside modern-day humans is so delightful tbh, and the juxtaposition between the two just makes for one of the most interesting "parallel rodent society" stories I've seen yet.

Today, I bought and finished Small Saga (on Steam, sorry; had I known the game was here, I would've bought it here). Upon that completion, I decided to buy the accompanying DLC to chuck a tip at the dev for having crafted such a beautiful, epic, and incredible adventure. It's about eight hours long and it's packed to the brim with incredible characterisation and exciting plot beats that other games struggle to even come close to. The turn-based combat isn't anything special but it's well executed but that's not what you're here for; you're here for the fantastic story.

I'm still amazed that the setting is just the gutters of a regular, non-magical Earth populated by talking rodents who've taken to medieval societies and yet the story accomplishes being a fantastic epic in its own right. The mundane becomes otherworldly, divine and demonic alike, and the presentation is immaculate. I heartily recommend this game to everyone. It's a real treat amongst indie titles.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks Darya. As everyone has said, this is a wonderful and charming game. In the beginning, it was just a rpg. In the end, it was a beautiful, impactful journey. I hope creating the game was as much as a compelling experience as it was for me playing it.


Blown away by the game!

I'm not much of a gamer, but I watch a bunch of LPs, but partway through watching I had to get it. Played through it in a couple of days, just finished it now, and just... wow. 

You have a knack for telling story and character though game mechanics which I've not seen before. I enjoyed the story but the characters were amazing.

The battle mechanics are great too! They feel really tight and tuned in.

Loved it.


This was an incredible time, just about every part of this game charmed my pants off. Great work and thank you so much for this wonderful story! A blessed way to start 2024 <3


I recently bought Small Saga on Steam, but it feels like such a perfect Nintendo Switch game to me... it may be worthwhile to port. Love your work ^^


You are an amazing developer working with such a limited engine, keep up the good work man


This is my Game of the Year. 

I just wanted more lol. 

6 years is a long time to make a thing for sure. I just beat the game. Like a good sad, I'm sad that it's over. Wonderful work.

Thank you.


Great work! You absolutely inspire me to finish my game as well :) !

There will be at some point a version demo for play?

Thanks so much for the Linux build. <3


I would like to stress that the Linux build is unsupported and experimental. As I understand it, it may not run straight of the box. It might be easier to run the Windows build through Wine/Proton.

If you would like help getting the Linux build working, see what suggestions other Linux players make in the game's Discord.

Is there a higher-res copy of the OST cover available? The embedded copy in the MP3s is only 200x200, which looks pretty fuzzy in my player.

I've updated the OST with higher resolution cover art, along with an image file for an even higher resolution.

Thank you!


This is a really charming game that I found really hard to put down!! I was one of the backers of this project when it launched on kickstarter and im so glad to see how far its come. I love the world and characters in this game, the story is really engaging and really gets me at times. Also the music fuckinnn SLAPSSSSSS. The boss fights were really cool, the fight in Vininium is my favorite.

I really hope we get to see a Small Saga 2 or whatever else in the future, I'm here for your work Darya!!




OH MY GOD THIS TURNED OUT SOOOO GOOOOD! I love the worldbuilding, the characters, the story, the graphics, the music, and how everything is so adorable and so serious at the same time.


Backed the Kickstarter and played the game all the way through last night! Lemme tell you, it was well worth the four year wait. Overall, I think it was an excellent experience, though I did have some minor gameplay quibbles. I saw on Steam that you'd be doing some updates for the game later, so I hope you'll consider some of these.

One thing that bugged me was how there was no way to see what anyone's abilities did outside of battle. Like, when you unlock a new ability for someone via story progression instead of unlocking it in the skill tree, it'd be nice to have some way outside of battle to see what they do, especially since battles aren't really something you can just reliably or easily get into due to the nature of the game. Maybe some kind of alternate tab or page in the Skills submenu?

Also, (trying to be as vague as possible here for spoilers) there's one notable ability that allows for a bit of freeform creativity, right? Due to the aforementioned scarcity of battles combined with how late you can get this ability, it'd be nice if there was a way to test out the various outcomes of it without needing to be in a battle, like some kind of training dummy or maybe a stage to jam on.

Finally, while I appreciate the breezy feel of the game's difficulty, perhaps some harder difficulty options could be a nice addition for any future playthroughs.

And I just want to clarify, these are pretty much nitpicks. I'd still highly recommend this game to my friends. I even gave my Steam key of the game to a friend of mine since I don't use Steam and she seems to be enjoying it so far!

I'm looking forward to whatever else you have planned for Small Saga in the future. Maybe some kind of additional post-game or New Game +? Thanks again for this incredible experience!


I binged the game, and I can't help but fall in love with this world and want more. How much more can we know? Will there be DLC or a sequel? My goodness!


I've been playing for a few hours now and I'm having an absolute blast with it!  


Blew through it earlier today including most of the side stuff and my biggest gripe is only that I wish the game was at least twice as long. Absolutely loved it.


yay it's released!


Just finished the main story, and I gotta say, it was really nice!

I have been lurking around here for about 2 years, and it was very much worth the wait.


release day, its out :D

this game is on speedrun dot com, to anyone reading this


Release Date 16th of November 2023!

Can't wait till then :-))

Looks good

Just live streamed the demo on my Twitch. It ended on a huge cliff hanger but was a beautiful example of what the game was like. Art is well done, sound track was awesome. One small nit picks but won't get into those because they are so small but will explain if dev wants to know. 

Will defiantly be keeping an eye open for the full release or even a beta or alpha testing. 

(1 edit)

One of the most captivating demos I've played in a long time and the full game is coming out in only a month! The pixel art is gorgeous and I love the semi-3D style. The heartfelt moments really got me and I couldn't keep the grin off my face the rest of the time! The concept is really great too, took me back to being a kid watching Secret of NIMH. Great to see an RPG with a unique setting rather than the standard medieval fantasy stuff.

Will definitely be playing the full game on the 16th! 5/5

I've been with this game for over YEAR now and it's nice to see how far it's come even if it's just a demo still


Amazing! It's nice to finally see an RPG with some creative and original character designs that really stand out. The environments are enriching. I can't wait to see more!

Excited to see a bigger release of this, whenever that comes. Loved the art and the music, and the 'battle' at the end of the first chapter was very tense.

wow... very beautiful and emotional... cant wait!

When's the full game being released? I'll pay top dollar for it.

nov 16


I enjoyed the demo a huge amount and was genuinly angry when it ended. I really really liked the writing and the presentation. And that bagpipe song was fantastic. It reminded me a bit of the Zeboyd games

I haven't tried it yet, but I like the aesthetic. Good job :)

Very fun demo! You had me sucked in from the very start. Excellent pacing, writing, music and artwork.


One of my favourite games that i've played so far. Nice battle system, aswell as the Graphic and the music. In my opinion the Demo should have ended after the Cat fight so that you know how the new Weapon is played. Overall i recommend playing this game. I made a video if someone is interested. 

As soon as this comes out I'm buying  a new laptop just to play it I swear.

WOW spot on...! 

The trailer and the actual play are different in a good way. I really like the graphics and sound that make good use of the look and feel like Megadrive.

 It's like an adventure game with a little bit of battle rather than a role-playing game, but it's not bad.

So excited!

(1 edit) (+4)

Ooh, a new demo! I played the game a while ago, so new content is exciting.

I'm noticing that when the screen darkens, it doesn't go completely black (on the Steam version at least) -- I can still see the scene faintly.

One thing I would like to note: When "mom" or "dad" is used in place of a name (such as "dad's letter"), it's capitalized like a name.

Traversing the pipes in the sewer feels a bit like an Escher painting -- the pipes connect to different levels of elevation without visibly sloping. If it were possible to tweak the graphics to show the pipes sloping up and down, that would add to the environment.

Lance says "Some say [Sava] is as big as a horse", but how would mice even know what a horse is? If humans are so incomprehensibly huge as to be "gods", a horse would be even more eldritch. I don't know, it might make more sense for Lance to compare him to an animal that's more proportional to a mouse? A horse is pretty huge even by our standards.

Ooh, a skill tree! Curious that Lance has so many. I'm now wondering if he's going to come back later, or if his huge tree is just misdirection.

I always thought it was quite foolish of Lance to not cut Verm free in the first place. He says the traps snap your neck, so Verm's tail is clearly already broken; it'd probably have to be amputated even if they could get it free.

I feel there's something lacking to cutting away from the Tiger battle to have Verm get defeated offscreen. If possible, it would be neat to see something like in the Yellow God battle, and have Verm get reduced to 0 HP by a special attack, so we're left on more of a cliffhanger before cutting away.

LOL, stealing bandages from a child in Cranbaile. It's a real RPG now!

After meeting with Gilda, Verm says "you have one exactly minute" -- typo, I presume?

After all the buildup, I'm surprised to see that Verm's regular attacks are almost as good against Tiger as Siobhan's Wyrmfire. I expected something like a defense debuff after the mention that the moles' weapons couldn't pierce Tiger's fur.

It seems a bit silly that you can walk right back and chat with Gilda after she banishes you.

I like that Verm has a bark every time he enters rage! I always find it silly when RPGs have emotion-based status effects but that's not reflected by the characters.

Since Bruce can't attack, it might make more sense to rename the "Attack" option to something else. It amuses me that Bruce wasn't lying about not fighting!

The new demo is really neat! I like that you're streamlining the RPG experience by cutting out cruft like grinding and random encounters. I've long thought that RPGs would be improved by focusing on making every battle a unique set piece, so it'll be neat to see how that works out.

Do you have a timeline on when we can expect the full release?

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